Emergency nurses are vital assets in assessing, managing and treating for patients presenting to Emergency Treatment Units (ETUs).
Sri Lanka records almost 40,000 road traffic accidents (and thousands more unrelated traumatic injuries) annually, requiring the need for emergency specialist care and management. The numbers of acute illnesses and acute exacerbations of chronic illnesses are increasing at a steady pace and the pressure to optimise emergency facilities is high. The need for supporting specialised emergency treatment units by equipping nurses with skills essential for these environments is a key component in the chain of survival and promotion of best outcomes for patients.
This course will contribute to the professional development and upskilling of trauma and emergency nurses to manage the increasing patient numbers and concurrently strive to achieve ahigh standard of care.
Course Aims
This course aims to develop and/or reinforce knowledge and skills for nurses desiring to work (or are already working) in a trauma and emergency care environment.